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- An application must be filled out for each child wishing to receive this sacrament. Applications can be completed with the Faith Formation Office.
- There is a sacramental fee of $75 for Reconciliation (combined with First Holy Eucharist) in addition to the Faith Formation registration fee.
- Children registered with our Faith Formation program will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation in the 2nd Grade, or during their second year of preparation in the current grade they are attending.
- The preparation session for the sacrament is mandatory. The date and location are TBD. **Please note this session is only for those who have completed application paperwork with the Faith Formation office.**
First Holy Communion
- An application must be filled out for each child wishing to receive this sacrament (combined with First Reconciliation). Applications can be completed with the Faith Formation Office.
- There is at sacramental fee of $75 for Eucharist (combined with First Reconciliation) in addition to the Faith Formation registration fee.
- Children registered with our Faith Formation program will receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist in the 2nd Grade, or during their second year of preparation in the current grade they are attending.
- The preparation session for the sacrament is mandatory. The date and location are TBD. **Please note this session is only for those who have completed application paperwork with the Faith Formation office.**