Spiritual Direction

Are you in need of spiritual guidance? You may be seeking spiritual direction from a member of the clergy for any of the following reasons:

  • to identify and trust your own experiences of God
  • to integrate spirituality into your daily life
  • to discern and make difficult choices
  • to share your hopes, struggles and losses
  • to develop a sensitivity for justice and concern for the poor
  • to live the essence of your spiritual faith with integrity

If you would like to speak to a Priest or Deacon about anything going on in your life that may require some spiritual direction, please email one of the following:

Fr. Derek Saldanha, Pastor – frderek@stacatholic.org
Fr. Michael Batista, Parochial Vicarfrmichael@stacatholic.org
Deacon John Del Giudice, Permanent Deacon – deaconjohn@stacatholic.org