Youth Ministry

STA Youth Ministry at “Alive in You” 2023

STA Youth Ministry at “Alive in You” 2023 The youth of our St. Thomas Aquinas parish had the experience of participating last week at the “Alive in You” youth gathering in Orlando. A transforming experience that touched their hearts and led them to an encounter with Jesus. Worship, conferences, praise and service to the community are some of the activities in which our young people participated. Thanks to all who collaborated and made this mission possible. We encourage all our parish community to motivate our youth for next year. Here is the link to watch the video summary of the “Alive In you 2023” experience. God is working in our community! Let’s keep praying for our families.

‘It will come to pass in the last days,’ God says, that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams’. Acts 2:17

Los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia Santo Tomás de Aquino tuvieron la experiencia de participar la semana pasada en el encuentro de jóvenes “Alive in You” en  Orlando. Una experiencia transformadora que tocó sus corazones y los llevó a un encuentro con Jesus. Adoración, conferencias, alabanza y servicio a la comunidad son algunas de las actividades en las que participaron nuestros jóvenes. Gracias a todos los que coolaboraron e hicieron esta misión posible. Exhortamos a toda nuestra comunidad parroquial a motivar nuestros jóvenes para el próximo año. Este es el enlace para ver el video resumen de la experiencia “Alive In you 2023”. ¡Dios está obrando en nuestra comunidad! sigamos orando por todas nuestras familias.

“Escuchen lo que sucederá en los últimos días, dice Dios: derramaré mi Espíritu sobre cualesquiera que sean los mortales. Sus hijos e hijas profetizarán, los jóvenes tendrán visiones y los ancianos tendrán sueños proféticos.” Hechos 2,17

ALL youth and volunteers must register through the Faith Formation office to be involved in Youth Ministry.  ALL volunteers (including retreat team, chaperons and “one time” event helpers) must be registered at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, and background cleared by the Diocese of Orlando.

For more information or to volunteer your time, please contact: Mary Klemm at 407-861-7694 (TEXT IS BEST) or at

What We Are All About

S.T.A.Y. Close to God
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish offers dynamic, faith filled, comprehensive Youth Ministry for young Catholics in middle and high school.  The focus is holistic and focused on the Eucharist.  We attempt to meet young people on their journey of faith as they travel through the challenges of life.

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish strives to enter into a relationship with our youth and families through prayer and worship, community and relationship building, service and religious education.  Our goals are to (1) empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today; (2) draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith community; and (3) foster the personal and spiritual growth of each youth.

In addition to these regularly scheduled evenings, we will….
❖ Offer Retreats, prayer experiences, Mission Trips and  Bible Study
❖ Connect with other Catholic Teens & Parishes at Diocesan and National Catholic Youth Events
❖ Invite Young people to full and active participation in the life of the parish, especially through liturgy.
❖ Build community through social events,
❖ Practice our faith through service experiences, Mission Trips, and fund-raisers at the parish and in the wider community.
Meets on Wednesdays, 6:30pm – 8pm in classroom H2

Youth Ministry exists to let Christ shine through us, so we may gather as a family in His name, seeking to guide all to become a light to the world!

What Teens Need from Youth Ministry

Changing the youth world happens one teen at a time.  Teens do NOT connect to programs; they connect to people.  The most effective way to influence teens is through a significant relationship with key people in their lives.  Our goal is to develop leaders who will walk the journey to Christ with teens.

Teens need adults who will:

  • Love God and live for Him
  • Be interested in their lives
  • Take the initiative to spend time with them
  • Pray for them
  • Be authentic (real)
  • Say encouraging words
  • Believe in them
  • Laugh
  • Go to “their world”
  • Remember their names and care for them
  • Share God’s love through personal experience
  • Be consistent to the programs
  • Be patient
  • Enjoy life and live the seven essential values of Life Teen (Love, Evangelization, Joy, Vocation, Affirmation, Authenticity, Eucharistic Spirituality)